Thursday, April 14, 2011

John Lennon on love and sex

"Well I don’t know who made the golden rule that sex and love had to go together, Because I’ve enjoyed love without sex and sex without love. And they quite often come together but quite often they don’t.
So what is love then? I really think love has something to do with relaxation. When you’re guarded with somebody, you’re not relaxed. And when you’re guarded with somebody you can’t love that person. Love is when you understand someone so well you can relax with them."

If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that's his problem. Love and peace are eternal.
 John's notion is taboo to our western folkways, influenced by victorian era prim and properness. Often times, there are multiple scratches on our western lens to view acceptable norms on sex. Liberated women in particular have had to combat labels like trollop, wench, hussy, harlot, ho, women of ill repute just because they do not conform to the double gender standard. Men on the other hand are given a free-pass to be a cassanova and have none of the negative connotations surrounding promiscuity. Not only is this unfair but it limits everyone in a caustic dialogue to cyclically repeat stereotypes and misinformed views of the 'other'. Why is it a "sin" to have sex before marriage? Who are "they" to determine how we should be able to use our bodies? Granted their are countless people that take advantage of other people but this does not conscript consenting healthy adults from exploring the dimensions of their sex life in whatever form that may take. Whatever form love takes, hopefully it does not proscribe your spirit.

Is our sexually repressed culture ready for another foot in the bed?


  1. I agree. I find personal fulfillment in monogamy, but I certainly wouldn't impress that perspective on others.

  2. What is love? All I can say is that baby dont hurt, dont hurt me, no more...

  3. This is true, my relationship with my ex got really good when we finally got comfortable with each other (lived together) but it didn't last >_<

  4. This made me cry, anyway, I'm following you :)

  5. @fugazi When "what is love" was gallup polled to a thousand people -60% of respondents replie "Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more"

  6. @Remi Thanks for following, my next couple of posts are going to touch on love from a vareity of emotional/philosophical/sociological and spiritual dimensions - stay tuned!

  7. @ Borre Kool Thanks! lemme know what your interested in and I'll write a response post! -that goes for everybody
