Monday, April 11, 2011

The anthill and the masters

I shot a hot silver slug of mental perspicacity at a silo and was surprised to see grain pour out the side like magma flow at pompeii. All the tiny ant citizenry on the ground were covered in an instant. Those not crushed to death by the tyranny of golden edibles realigned with valor to rebuild the colony. Atom the ant, a young adult by ant standards was not too keen on the way things had been run by his predecessors. He thought they were rather daft when it came to the myths the 'master' ants relayed to the population about the meaning of life, purpose and pursuit of happiness. The "expert" ants worked with the master ants to justify their rule of the magistracy on the basis of superior acumen over the less mentally observant ants. They concentrated all the power and comfortable living at the top of ant-society and relegated the rest to the bidding of the colony which they overworked for greater riches. Atom was being groomed for this society, of which he wanted no part of but the recent natural disasters gave him the chance to change everything. In the old times the ant experts advised invading neighboring hills to expand their resources. This seemed to get the ants embroiled in more trouble than ever. When Atom crawled out of the grain that day he had a blurry hazy amalgamation of ideas as new waves of sunlight washed over his abdomen. He knew he had to move in the direction of his dreams. The other survivor ants regurgitated the platitudes and maxims of the old regime. Yet Atom remained calm and his silence reverberated, speaking volumes over the cacophony of vapid ants with their bold illusions and false consciousness. He proclaimed to them humbly, "Our armies whether they be of ants fighting other ants or masses attached to ideas about what the "experts" tell them is true, have been misled. Wake up my fellow ants! The master ants were greedy to their own ends and did not pus us foremost in their self-centered plans for glory.

Our allegiance to them, our armies can be reduced and abolished only in opposition to the will, but never by the will of the ant magistracy. If we're gonna start an antopia we might as well make the cornerstone inquisitiveness. We should have listened to the experts sure, but we should not have always been so dependent on them to tell us the answer to everything because we've stopped listening to our own hearts and common sense. The egoism of individual ants have blinded us all into living lives that are stressful and unproductive to the caring of our own hill by attacking other hills that are not directly concerned with us. By neglecting the livelihood of our own hill, it has never reached its full potential. We are the power to change our circumstances first we must alter our egos to forge the highest hill" There was much consensus amongst the workers who cheered. I would like to say this tale has a happy ending, but months into Atom's administration, the old greedy egoic forces marshaled against him, with slander and pincers, they crushed his most loyal supporters and were able to remold the minds of the ants, devolving them back to the ways of the old regime. But the embers have been lit of this fire and those treasured ants who remember Atom's benevolence shall strive to re-attain what has been lost. They know the masters are but ants and subject to folly, a folly only they can prevent from manifesting into tyranny.

The fire can only grow brighter.


  1. i really like reading your blog. interesting and very well written.

  2. I'd swim in this stream of consciousness.

  3. I've got to follow this blog, great philosophical take on things you have there. I swear I would have been a philosophy major if there was any money in the job.

  4. Yup, the old, greedy regime always seems to take the power back.

  5. great stuff. really realy good. better than what i'm always reading.

  6. That's an interesting take on life you have.

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